Happy Met Monday or, to ordinary citizens, greetings on this Monday. I do look forward to looking at the nice outfits the rich people wear, because art is beautiful and fashion is art. I say go follow
and if you want Actual Educated Discourse on the beauty, the horror, and the everything in between that you’ll likely see unfold on those tallass steps.I’m sitting in a sports bra and vanity sized Gap discount emporium jeans, and in addition to telling you to go read
if you need a bit of a lift from depression (I did, and it helped), I shall tell you this…Ask me anything!
Usually, the comments are limited to paid subscribers (and I am very grateful to you all.) But today, I’m going to open ‘em up to everybody. If you’re interested in a few details about the esteemed subscriber community of which you are a part, know this:
1.) Alla youse are hot (science.)
2.) In addition, you’re in all 50 states and 81 different countries!
3.) The top five states for Saratonin readers are: California (12%), New York (11%), Texas (who knew? 7%), Illinois (5%) and Virginia (again, who knew? 5%).
4.) The top five COUNTRIES for you people are: United States (78%, highly predictable!), U.K. (5%, hi loves!), Canada (3%, so sorry about Drake/congrats about Drake, whichever feels right to you in this moment), Nigeria (2%, I am often up writing at Lagos morning tea time so this makes sense) and Australia (2%, you are the wildest party people I’ve ever met.)
5.) Again, you are all EXTREMELY good-looking.
Alright, ask me about whatever. If you’re like, “Who the fuck ARE you?” well, that’s understandable and here’s a bio.
Thank you for helping motivate me to write, I’ll be back every hour or two or seven or so! Put on your finest ballgown and do the catwalk in your rumpus room! Ask me things!
P.S. Shockingly, I actually do work with a stylist (she helped me select some things for a couple upcoming live events in NYC and Chicago) and she is the wonderful Meena Osei-Kuffour aka The Vintage Royalty. She makes cool jewelry and is a delightful artist who just helped build a giant centaur out of flowers, which is exactly what I want in a stylist or person, really.
P.P.S. Okay now AMA in the comments!
How do you get over the thought that nobody will want to read what you want to write about, or, in case that one isn't available, how do you make yourself write and publish it anyway? Asking for a friend 😅
Curious as a DuPage Co resident if you've explored or enjoyed any suburbs?