In this issue of SARATONIN…
That weirdo politics show last night
Stuff to buy
A nice little note
Debate Shit
I know that in many cases, I am not one of God’s strongest soldiers. The most recent example would be watching last night’s debate - I simply could not. But I knew that many of you are, in fact, His favored ones and would come through for me with a.) actual reportage, because you are actual reporters b.) clips, because you love to film your TVs c.) memes, beautiful memes. Even Taylor Swift got in on the act of educating me about the debate - love that for me, appreciate her so much!
Also, let me tell you how wild it was to go from studying the Lincoln-Douglas debates to reading articles and jokes about last night’s debate: VERY. Very wild.
Fun surprise to put on a website: I have access to much of Beyoncé’s Internet, just like you do. So I knew I’d see things as the debate unfolded. I am on BlueSky, the thinking dork’s X. I have literally 1% of the followers on BlueSky that I had on the white supremacist bulletin board where Barf Muskrat reigns as SYSOP, and it is vastly more chill. People said funny and interesting things. I also looked at what alla youse were saying on the Instagram.
For reviews of the debacle today, I am glad I subscribe to
and (I am friends with the former and gay for pay for the latter, I’m in the tank, I’m biased, these are biased recommendations!) Sadly, I resumed subscribing to the New York Times months back for some demonic reason.In conclusion to this part of your SARATONIN newsletter, I must say that shit was bonkers, as we all knew it would be. Kamala Harris seems to have a decent stance on most domestic issues, and I will vote for her and Tim Walz.
I don’t anticipate they will change our government’s longtime shameful course of action to continually enable the massive abuse and extermination of the Palestinian people, but I am past my younger, drunker era of stanning politicians. I accept that I am powerless except in small ways that still may prove meaningful. To that end, please support INARA in their efforts to help survivors of the wars in Gaza, Ukraine, and elsewhere to receive medical care, including culturally- and age-appropriate mental healthcare.
Humor helps, a little. Money helps more. And so it goes.
Substack Shout Outs
There’s a lot of great writing and art around here. I don’t have nearly as much time as I’d like to do all the reading I want to, particularly as I’m researching a book proposal. However, these folks are consistently insightful and compelling in their newsletters, notes, shares, and more. Thank you to all of them!

I’ve been reading or listening to a lot of books lately. Also, everyone is born in September, October or November, so I know you’ve got birthday shopping to do. As of today, I have a storefront on Haus of B*zos. I’d rather get a commission from Etsy, but they don’t have an influencer program and Auntie Sara is trying to pay the bills and the such so…here we are.
I’ll make a list of Etsy stuff I dig in my next newsletter, and obviously I don’t get any commission from that. But if you need to buy some books, skincare items, shaving supplies, makeup products and tools, or Halloween/sexytime wigs anyway, here ya go.
I want to hear about better influencer programs that help small businesses and individual creators, so please let me know if you’ve got a lead on some o’ that. I know a lot of us are trying to bring in extra money where we can (paid subscribers to this newsletter help with that, so thank you very much!) and maybe a particular influencer program won’t be for me, but it’ll help out another reader who sees it in the comments. Or you’ll decide to buy the Virgo/Libra/Scorpio/Sagittarius birthday presents from one of those small businesses and individual artists.
In conclusion
I hope you get a chance to go outside in some decent weather, get some fresh air and sunshine, and feel even a moment of happiness and peace. My brain is fried after a workday, and am I coping with Late July Organic Sea Salt & Lime Tortilla Chips and also Mrs. Renfro’s Salsa? Yes. Yes, I am.
Could I have gone to a farmer’s market instead? Certainly. But I need to lay on my new goddamn foam roller that I bought because I suddenly love physical therapy, and I need to just stare at a not-screen for one to fifteen hours.
I love you and I like you. Comments are open (they’re usually just for paid subscribers, but something I open them up!)
Sara Benincasa
Sara! 🥲🩵
You’re the best!!