Hi everybody - We made it past Christmas and are about to get into the third crazy night of Hanukkah, huzzah! (I am not Jewish but I wish somebody would simply bring me latkes - in fact, I may order some up right now.) I assume everyone’s wintry activities worshiping the old gods and the new continue apace.
Before we left for the holidays, I turned around the most fun (and, under a tight deadline, challenging) voice over audition I’ve ever done. It was one of those gems where you’re just delighted to be in the running and to get a shot at it. I also handed in a 62-page nonfiction book proposal to my agent for his notes. Once it is revised and in good shape, we will take it out on submission and perhaps I’ll get to write a new book for you. (The old ones are available in the usual places, including Bookshop, where I’ve got to update my bio.)

I gave a little life update on my Patreon, where I tend to write more private (or creatively experimental) things, and here’s an excerpt from that…
Hi all. I'm back in Chicago after spending just a handful of nights back in Jersey with my boyfriend and his kiddo. We were three of 24 people at a house party on Christmas Eve, where the old Southern Italian ritual is always the Feast of the Seven Fishes. It was a lovely time even though the kiddo was sick for part of it, and I'd like to tell you a little about it.
My boyfriend is a single parent and the only living parent to his son, which is why I moved to Chicago last year. As you can imagine, it would not have been feasible to fly back and forth in a long-distance relationship, even though Chicago is only 700 miles from NYC. We couldn't afford to do that, and it was particularly untenable considering he does not a have a co-parent and is raising a child on a single income. We could neither afford nor magically manifest an affordable and trustworthy babysitter or nanny to watch over a child for several days at a time.
There was no question of making the two of them move to New York City, since that would be a huge disruption in the life of a child who had already been traumatized, and one we could ill afford. I told my boyfriend before our first date that I knew that if it went well, I would be the one moving, not him. When you're older and both looking for a serious relationship, under these circumstances, we both figured we ought to talk about that shit very early rather than set up unrealistic expectations.
Anyway, a lot of people ask why I moved to Chicago, and I don’t talk about much of it publicly for obvious reasons - the child’s life story is his own to tell when and if he wishes, and the same is true for my boyfriend. It’s also very easy and natural for outsiders to impose a heartwarming narrative on a complex, multifaceted story that affects real people (hell, I’ve done it to others, so I get it.) Even people who assume they know the whole deal often don’t - and the story unfolds every day, as life tends to do until it’s done.
But perhaps that gives a little insight into why this particular writer to whom you kindly subscribe happens to dwell near the shores of Lake Michigan.
Anyway, back to the now and the today. I hope I have avoided the head cold and the influenza that seem to be knocking around our little pod of humanity, but we shall see. I’m drinking a giant cup of water with lemon and, not to brag, sporting cheap AF moisturizing pads under my eyes. OOOH SEXY!
Last night I slept over their home and left the tree lights on and it was soooo cozy. I did not enter the plague room of the father, but I did experience the specific joy of watching The Simpsons with a smart young child who has only just fallen in love with said program. Watching the early episodes requires occasional historical education, including explaining what a random early ‘90s parody moment is actually parodying. However, the shit holds up regardless of whether the kid knows the reference or not. What a show!
Also, one of the lad’s excellent uncles handmade a gorgeous wreath that we brought to my parents’ house. It was fragrant as fuck and I have realized I need to learn some sort of craft skill in 2025. I am open to your suggestions.
If you’d like to join my Patreon or become a paid subscriber here, it would mean a lot. If you’re already a patron or a paid Substack member, THANK YOU.
I simply must encourage you to visit the jewel of Newark International Airport, Terminal A, where there is a fabulous sensory room to help calm neurodivergent folks as well as adults suffering from dementia. The three of us hung out there and it ruled. Also, I have ideas for my lighting setup when I hopefully have a bigger home one day (I love the one I rent now, just saying, this is cool.)
Look at that wall of warm light! Also, there are TWO very well-kept aquariums, and I don’t usually like them, but these were big and clean. We got to see two fish eating a dead fish, which obviously ruled.
That’s all for me for now. I am doing my budget for January 2025 and WOOF, the holidays kicked me in the ass. But I feel very fortunate to be here, and to be alive and healthy for now (we shall see if influenza comes for me, too). I’m incredibly grateful for your readership, and I thank you very much.
Also, I continue to be unable to stop listening to Hercule Poirot stories by Agatha Christie. This feels like something I need to reveal before the year ends.
You just gave me a realization! I've always wanted latkes, because they look amazing, but it never dawned on me I could just order them or make them!
Happiest of holidays to you and yours. I hope you keep the plague at bay!!