William Burroughs had cats and was more fond of them than people. There is a chapbook called Ruski ($125 on ebay!) named after one of his favorite. I was his gardener in Lawrence, KS, after he retired there in his later years. The previous couple-gardeners had created a male genitalia shaped vegetable garden in the far backyard near a trickle creek now named after Burroughs. Since the ground was too soggy for tomatoes I used a queen-sized waterbed frame to raise up the middle portion, filled it with dirt, planted the tomatoes and learned to always keep it top mulched with the grass trimmings because the cats loved it. The decomposing grass always had a little extra heat, and the raised view point allowed them to survey their back kingdom, where I left a few unmowed irregular patches so both cats, bunnies, and birds had places to hide.

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I have been obsessed with cats since I was tiny. I’ve always had a cat. What is life without cats??? Not one I want.

I have two. They both prefer to sit directly on my hands when I’m typing. Even though my desk is near a great window/fire escape/ bird and squirrel situation. But they’re so cute. I forgive them.

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Thank you for tackling such an important topic. 🐈

Also, my husband made a cute little perch that hangs on the side of my desk so my cat can be near me but in her own little nook!

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I felt the world was ready for this political discussion!

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May 24Liked by Sara Benincasa

Sara I remember when you first had this firebrand move temporarily (haha) into your home (was following you at the bad place). You were so perplexed about whatever the hell she was doing and how to best support her in her catness. Four years on and you two seem to have grafted out a happy life together. What a joyful thing to read about. I also have an adoptee who scratches and bites me on the reg but i KNOW loves me and i love him. Stupid little animals - they bring so much joy even if they are arseholes. xxx

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May 24Liked by Sara Benincasa

I am highly allergic (or was until my acupuncturist cured me!!) to cats. So are my father and sister. Given our state of allergy, cats absolutely LOVE us. They KNOW. And I do want one… I do believe I have been cured (I nearly died one late December when I was in college - we drove 12+ hours to Bangor, Maine to stay with a friend and his parents… and much to my surprise, they had FIVE long-haired cats. I COULD. NOT. BREATHE. I spent a lot of time on the deck in the snow. And then we got snowed in for two extra days. How I didn’t die on NYE is truly a miracle. It wasn’t like there was any place I could have gone to…). Anyway, I’d love a kitty, but then my family couldn’t come visit, so that’s not gonna happen. I do have the best dog who is part cat, so I guess I’ll live…

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You are both so beautiful and feisty! My luv used to lay on top of whatever I was reading or working on (or attempting to) and would gnaw on and bat at whatever writing utensil I was trying to use, made everything so much more fun, cherish every moment.

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May 24Liked by Sara Benincasa

oops, she

Sorry Polly!

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May 24Liked by Sara Benincasa

Hi Sara

I love cats.

(Except their litter boxes.)

I am so glad you found The Cat! Or he found you?

they are definitely familiars/ soul helpers / BFF's



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May 24Liked by Sara Benincasa

This is serious business, glad to see writers taking it on. Polly looks well loved. I have two cats. One is my muse, a sexy guy who lays around on my desk. The other is my editor, walking on the key board looking for gratitude. I put my desk by an Eastern facing window with a view of Puget Sound and lots of wildlife. Turned out, this spot is an inspiration for the cats too.

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Polly is adorable. We just got two rescue kittens for my daughter last fall. They're a year now and are a terror to one of our older male cats, and a source of amusement to the other one. Bonus: One is a polydactyl cat, with extra toes on all four feet. She also has a teeny little squeak of a voice and loves to chatter with it. We're all in love with her, I think.

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May 24Liked by Sara Benincasa

Ooooh, love a Hemingway cat. Lucky you!

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My geriatric kitty PJ always waits until I am typing or trying to play a game to insist on climbing up me to the top of my chair, and then climbing back down onto my chest and wanting to be held.

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I, too, am a cat freak--Tabby cats, to be exact--and am very aware of how hard it is to work on a computer when they're around. LOL. The last tabby I had liked to stomp on the keys, then sloooooowly stretch-walk back across the keyboard before delicately scootching her way into my lap. I would purposely not make room for her so she would have to practically Tetris herself in my lap. LOL Mr. Ex got her in the divorce. Through FB, I'd found out that he'd given her to a coworker of his before moving out of state and she posted on there when she'd passed away. Towards the end, I knew something was up. She was so dang skinny, wasn't eating much, and was meowing all the time.

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